

UPDEIT - Multiplier Dissemination Event - Cyprus

UPDEIT - Multiplier Dissemination Event - Cyprus

UPDEIT - Multiplier Dissemination Event: Taking the oportunity to present the results of the Erasmus+ UPDEIT (Updating University Curricula in Early Intervention) project, as well as the UPDEIT platform. The UPDEIT Multiplier Dissemination Event took place at Frederick University in Limassol, hosted by the  Mobile Devices Laboratory and the Department of Psychology and Social Sciences. During the event the 

Head of Department of Psychology and Social Sciences, Dr Nataly Loizidou Ieridou presented the current situation and practices in Cyprus in terms of Early Intervention, as well as the use of the UPDEIT platform as an Early Intervention tool.

Platform and mobile application for monitoring child development - Available: https://mdl.frederick.ac.cy/UPDEITPlatform